Saturday, April 18, 2009

En Upli - Williamsburger

Maybe this is a time that I can start to say something about the images that I am posting in order to bring people out of the dark and to also articulate them for myself, as I tend to forget what they mean as well. So, to start, I can describe this series of photos that I have been taking since I arrived in New York and that I plan on posting in the next days or weeks. They are found images, and pieces of pieces of images that are torn and shredded and pulled off of the subway walls. They reveal layers, some pieces are torn and then replaced onto the adjacent advertisement, they are haphazard and unplanned, raw. They represent for me a nervous energy, an anger and anxiety of an entire people that reveals itself only through these anonymous arrangements. My impression is that I will never catch a person doing this, I will never see the act taking place, and it is for the better. I don't want to know if it is a Williamsburg artist or a bored high school student, or any other character that it can be.
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